Krishna - The Divine Cowherd
Krishna - The Divine Cowherd
This striking 3D sculpture presents a young Lord Krishna, a revered figure in Hindu mythology. The divine boy is depicted in a characteristic poised stance, one leg gracefully placed in front of the other, resting on its toes, a stance often associated with depictions of Krishna. Lord Krishna's face is framed by a princely crown, which stands out prominently. The crown is embellished with intricate designs and is crowned by a large peacock feather, a symbol deeply synonymous with Krishna and his tales. His right hand is confidently raised in the abhaya mudra, a gesture signifying protection and reassurance. His left hand is comfortably positioned on his hip, fingers securely holding his iconic flute. Accompanying Krishna is a beautifully sculpted calf, which curls around him with evident affection, underscoring his divine aura and his cherished bond with nature. The detailed drapery, the long garland cascading down his chest, and the ornate jewellery that adorns his form all creates a captivating representation of the young deity.